Bhate has extensive experience providing private industry with environmental assessments, risk assessment & management, and environmental and engineering due diligence reviews. Our clients include financial institutions, investors, developers, attorneys, municipalities, industries, and government agencies throughout the continental United States with a strong footprint in the Southeast.
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)
- Environmental Transaction Screen Assessments (TSAs)
- Phase II ESAs
- Property Condition Assessments (PCAs)
- Environmental Compliance Audits
- Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint Services: sampling, surveys and abatement specifications, operations and maintenance plans (O&M), air monitoring and sample analysis for site clearance
- Asbestos Removal
- Radon Testing
- Industrial Hygiene Services
- Waste Characterization
- Underground and Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Management
- Dry Cleaner Investigations and Remediation
- Vapor Intrusion Assessment and Mitigation
- Brownfields
- Wetlands and Stream Impact
- Expert Witness Litigation Services
- Peer Review Services
- OSHA Construction and Industry Safety Training
For commercial services questions, please contact:
Paige DeBoer
Program Manager