Location: Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL
Client: USACE, Omaha District
Bhate performed a Source Area Characterization of Operable Unit Number 1 (OU-1) at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama. Project tasks included site characterization under which we prepared a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP); a Work Plan, and a Safety Plan. Additional activities included soil and groundwater sampling, potential receptor identification, and analysis of risk to human health and the environment.
Bhate advanced 165 soil borings and collected 330 discrete groundwater samples from two different groundwater horizons using innovative mini-sonic drilling techniques. Bhate used a Geointegration approach to install 12 permanent monitoring wells around the perimeter of the contaminated area, on and off-Base, to delineate the extent of contamination and optimize the groundwater monitoring well network. Bhate performed aquifer pump tests in newly installed monitoring wells and collected groundwater samples to monitor the migration of the plume, fill in any OU-1 data gaps, and ultimately calculate the cleanup time for the existing on-Base plumes. Bhate determined the locations of five source areas and identified a 1.75 mile long chlorinated solvent plume that was previously undiscovered. Bhate has communicated the results of the investigation with Maxwell AFB, AFCEE, USACE, ADEM, Montgomery Water Board, and Tier 1 and 2 Partnering Teams. Bhate is supporting community relation programs such as the Restoration Advisory Board.